Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sleep Comman in Win 2008 Server

OK. I know its not Domino related (directly). But if you are writing any script (batch file) where you used the sleep command in Win200 or Win2K3 you will find that it does not work in Win2K8!

Where before you would use sleep 10 (10 second wait)

you now use timeout 10


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Domino R8.5 Bug

OK. We (that is the Dev Team and I) hit an interesting situation which turns out to be a bug in R8.5.

Apparently, if a field is deleted and the database replicates with other servers the field will replicate back into the form regardless of time stamps, etc. We tested with varying the ACLs, advanced replication settings, just about everything we could think of. No matter what we did the deleted field would reappear.

After much wrangling and gnashing of teeth we called IBM and opened an incident and were advised that this is a known issue and should be addressed in one of the upcoming point releases.

The workaround for us was to delete the data in the field (null field) and replicate. Honestly (no bad feeling to the Dev Team) I don't think that using the absence of a field for view selection formula was the way to go. Now its checking that the field is not null...

Friday, October 24, 2008

R8 Upgrade and LEI

It took me a while to work this out. I searched everywhere and couldn't find documentation of the correct process. The upgrade kept crashing.

Turns out that even with the LEI task shut down the R8 upgrade would bomb. I had to copy the LEI related files to another directory (not needed but just a precaution), uninstall LEI, run the upgrade, reboot and then reinstall LEI.

I hope this helps someone else out there because it was just tough to figure out with everything else going on at my work.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hello World.

This is the first posting of my Domino and Notes experiences. Hopefully others my have similar issues which can be resolved with information I have documented here. Also, feel free to post any questions and I will try my best to answer them.

A little bit about myself: I have been a Domino Administrator since R4.0. I am also a Domino Developer although I am not a big programming fan. My certs have not been kept up to date but for R4, R4.5, R5 and R6 I am a Principal CLP - System Administration, R4.x, R5 Principal Applications Development and R4.x and R5 CLI.

Anyways, this is just my "Hello World" posting.

Nelson Remy